Connected Healthcare

Connect Modality equipment with patient appointment details through DICOM and eHR records with HL7 FHIR.

M-LiNK DICOM Modality Worklist

The MEDITICE® M-LiNK DICOM Modality Worklist agent is integrated within the Ecosystem.  Any data captured at the booking in stage within MEDITICE® can be passed to the DICOM MWL if required. 

Modality equipment is then configured to receive your daily patient appointment worklist reducing human double entry error and manage staff time more efficiently. 

MEDITICE® M-LiNK is a small installed application that resides on a computer that is accessible by the modality equipment on the same internal network.

MEDITICE® M-LiNK is available for both MS Windows and Apple OS computers.

HL7 FHIR - Streamlining health workloads

MEDITICE® is enabled for HL7 FHIR, enabling dataset share in the cloud for exchange that ensures better patient outcomes, improved research scenarios, greater efficiency and more informed care decisions.

The Microsoft Azure API for FHIR is designed for protected health information meeting all regional compliance requirements including HIPPA, GDPR and CCPA.

Managing PHI data with confidence on the Microsoft Azure trusted cloud. Azure security isolates data and provides layered depth defence and advanced protection that adheres to industry healthcare standards.

MEDITICE® the only software to optimise your diagnostic imaging centre.